Best Natural Pain Relief

Best Natural Pain Relief

Don't live with chronic pain because you want to avoid pharmaceuticals many side effects. There is an all natural solution
that provides relief for the complete spectrum of structural pain. From lower back to isolated joint issues, even chronic arthritis can now be treated with a fast acting and all natural pain reliever. 

Our Features

Fast Acting

This topical preparation has been specifically formulated to penetrate the skin and muscle tissue quickly to impact the specific receptors   and block the action of acetylcholine, a major stimulating neurotransmitter in the nervous system that creates the inflammatory response.

All Natural

This pain reliever is one of a very few natural products approved by the FDA. Completely safe, non-toxic, non-pharma, no side effects, no contraindication.  It is non-narcotic, non-addictive, non-steroidal, and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen.


In both clinic test and consumer review, this pain reliever is both fast and effective. Quickly relieving your pain with one of three different topical applicators, spray, gel and roll-on. They are non-greasy leaving behind no topical residue. These are user friendly and easy to use.

Best Natural Pain Relief Options

Product Description

Plus Relief is available in three delivery systems. Each gives you joint and muscle pain relief in a convenient applicator form.

- Plus Relief Oral Spray
- Plus Relief Topical Gel Squeeze Bottle
- Plus Relief Topical Roll-on

Plus Relief Topical Gel is prepared according to the requirements of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) and its supporting texts.

Asian Cobra Venom 6X

Benzalkonium Chloride, Ethanol, Methocel, Propylene Glycol, Saline

Watch Scientist Explain Plus Relief 

Video with description

Rick Deitsch, renowned pharmaceutical and nutritional bio-chemist who provides a simplified explanation of the unique properties of this all natural pain reliever. Who better to explain how a non pharmaceutical all natural product works, than a pharmaceutical bio-chemist.

Who am I to recommend this product?

Best Natural Pain Relief Ammie Bowman CHHP
An Unexpected Life

I was a premature birth and weighed barely one pound. I was not expected to survive long. I struggled to hold onto life and faced many health challenges as a child and a young woman.

I was given little hope of having a healthy life. Western medicine seemed unable to provide much in the way of long term results and the care was more about covering symptoms than a cure.

A friend recommended a Naturopath Doctor offering alternative and complementary medicine, and this changed my world and a passion was born. I knew I had to learn more about holistic care.

From having a family to traveling the world, holistic heath care provided opportunities that western medicine said I could never have. So, I carry a deep and profound appreciation of this form of medicine, that turned into passion and a skill set I gratefully use to serve others.

Best Natural Pain Relief Ammie Bowman CHHP
Holistic Health Care 

My Name is Ammie Bowman and I am a certified holistic health practitioner with over 25 years experience. I am Board Certified to provide holistic care and guidance along a natural, holistic pathway toward more complete wellness and overall health.

I provide alternative and complementary medicine solutions that may reverse and prevent disease. Results have proven that the best way to heal the human body is naturally without relying on industrial produced pharmaceuticals with their inherent potential side effects. 

I seek out the finest complementary medicine, integrative, and bio-molecular solutions, to create an effective health based holistic solution for your family. 

My mission in life is to share this with others. I research, teach, guide and help others find their own way forward. So, like me, they too can find a natural path to a thriving, healthy life.

Best Natural Pain Relief Ammie Bowman CHHP
A Passion and Pursuit

I was given a chance to live a full and rich life and I have used much of it in the pursuit of real, effective natural solutions for health care. As a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner I spend my time helping where I can, teaching where it's needed, and researching to stay abreast of new developments in Holistic & Natural Medicines.

Over my long career I have seen so many lives transformed. Skeptics have become converts, and many of them have become lifelong friends. I am here if you are looking for a new pathway to a more natural and complete solution for better health with overall wellness.

I was excited to discover such an effective all natural pain relief product that I use personally, that I created this web site to share it outside of my local patient base. If you would like more information or to discuss if this is the best alternative for your health concerns contact me directly.


Ammie Bowman, CHHP
John Ellington

I appreciate how effective this is. I don't like the side effects of over the counter and prescription drugs.

Ammie Bowman, CHHP
Sarah Palmer

My back seemed like it was a chronic issue regardless of what I took. Plus Relief helped at last! This is great stuff.

Ammie Bowman, CHHP
James Lee
Post Falls ID

I suffer from arthritis in my hands and there is little out there that works. Now I am back doing what I enjoy.

Helena Smith
Hayden ID

I thought I may have to give up golf. Nothing helped my knee until I tried this. Excellent pain relief. Highly recommend.

Contact  Me

To set up a consult or for more information please reach out to me.

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